Studentų patirtys

Erasmus+ students from Germany Laura Böttcher and Anne Kleinert
You have spent a semester as an Erasmus+ exchange student at the Faculty of Social Sciences at VMU. Why did you choose our university? VMU is a partner university of the PH Heidelberg, so we found it on the list of potential ERASMUS opportunities. As we both didn´t know a lot about the country,...

Erasmus+ student Yeray Halifi Morales about his experience while studying at VMU
Yeray Halifi Morales from Spain is studying as an Erasmus+ exchange student at the Faculty of Social Sciences at VMU. He kindly agreed to share some insights and tell about his experience at our university. You have spent a semester as an Erasmus+ exchange student at the Faculty of Social Scien...

„Erasmus+“ patirtis Kanadoje: viskas atrodė kaip amerikietiškame filme
Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto (VDU) absolventė Indrė Kurkulytė šiuo metu gyvena ir dirba Niujorke. Šis miestas nėra pirmoji jaunos merginos profesinė patirtis Šiaurės Amerikos žemyne – „Erasmus+“ dvišaliai mainai jai padėjo ne tik sustiprinti anglų kalbos žinias, bet ir sėkmingai baigti magistrantūr...

My extraordinary experience at Vytautas Magnus university
If I had to use a word to summarize the two years I spent studying at VMU, I would choose extraordinary. Each course uniquely impacted my understanding of the field of social work, and when combined together gave me a well-rounded knowledge base to confidently draw from when applying theory to pract...