My extraordinary experience at Vytautas Magnus university

Gabrielle_07If I had to use a word to summarize the two years I spent studying at VMU, I would choose extraordinary. Each course uniquely impacted my understanding of the field of social work, and when combined together gave me a well-rounded knowledge base to confidently draw from when applying theory to practice. VMU provided an avenue for international perspectives to gather. One of my favorite things about my time at VMU was the global perspectives I was consistently exposed to. I learned how social work operated in different countries; how different nationalities viewed social problems. My peers and I were in a constant exchange of ideas common within our nations’ own worldviews. It was nothing short of thrilling.

With the international nature of this program there came one challenge. At times when certain topics were being discussed the English language was not accessible enough for some to utilize to sufficiently express their ideas in the ways their native language could. This meant that sometimes discussions were held in a language I could not understand. That being said, there usually was a great effort made to translate the major points of the discussion to keep me informed and included. Regardless of this one difficulty, I could not image studying anywhere else. My time at VMU has shaped my perspectives and knowledge in ways other universities could not and I feel confident that the information I learned at VMU will consistently aid me in the professional fields I choose to pursue. I wish to express my deepest gratitude to the social work faculty for everything they did to make my studies at VMU so transformative.


Gabrielle Elyse Kempton