Awarding of the Nordplus adult education project coordinated by the VMU institute of education

The conference for evaluation of the acitivities of the NORDPLUS programme 2012-2017 in Lithuania (Junior, Adult, Horizontal and HigherEducation) took place in Kaunas on the 4th of October 2017.

One of the projects of this programme „Innovative approaches in developing key competences for adults“, coordinated by the team from Vytautas Magnus University Institute of Education (project manager prof. Genutė Gedvilienė, researcher  assoc. prof. Vidmantas Tūtlys and administrator Virginija Bortkevičienė) was awarded for the development of inter-sectoral cooperation in implementing innovative solutions of adult education in the Baltic and Nordic countries. This project has been implemented by the partnership consisting of different educational institutions from Lithuania, Latvia, Norway, Finland and Denmark.

During the conference not only the members of the Institute of Education shared about good experience but also the Director of the Kaunas National Drama Theater dr. Egidijus Stancikas emphasized good and unusual academic experience that they gained in the project.

The products of the project include innovative methodology for development of key competences of adults referring to the needs of personal, professional and civic development of personality.   This methodology became a basis for the modules for development of key competences of adults. The modules are placed in the on-line learning platform The modules are accessible to learners and education providers in English and in the languages of project partner countries. Online learning platform provides attractive and helpful space for the further cooperation between the adult education providers from the Baltic and Nordic countries. Developed modules will be used by learners and by education providers, who could integrate these modules in their own curricula.

After the implementation of this project the team will pay a lot of attention and efforts to the sustainability and further development of designed modules, also inviting the users and learners to participate in this undertaking.

Project team expresses sincere gratitude to the Education Exchanges Support Foundation for the possibility to implement this project and for the provided administrative support, as well as to the Institute of Innovative Studies at the Vytautas Magnus University (director dr. Airina Voliungevičienė) for the provided expertise and technical support in the design of the online learning platform