International Scientific and Practice Conference: WELL-BEING OF THE CHILD AND FAMILY
The Department of Social Work, Faculty of Social Sciences, Vytautas Magnus University, together with its partners, is organizing an International conference to discuss the changes taking place in the field of child and family well-being in social, economic, political and cultural contexts, shaping and changing the well-being of children and families.
The conference will take place on 15-16 October 2024 at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania.
These changes, which have both positive and negative impacts, include changes in family structure, transformations in social networks, in the labour market, financial support, laws and education policies, changes in values, migration and the geopolitical situation, the impact of digital technologies, online learning, access to health care, the challenge of public health and climate change.
The conference aims to bring together Lithuanian and foreign social science and social work researchers, practitioners, policy makers, students and community members – all those working and interested in the field of child and family welfare.
We invite you to share research findings, ideas and practice insights and to submit presentations on the following topics:
- Transformative social work with the family
- The role of social work in responding to changes in family structure and roles
- Social work response to intergenerational interactions in the family
- Social work during family crisis
- Visibility of the child in family social work practice
- Psychosocial counselling: prevention and intervention
- Family health and well-being: an integrated approach
- Traditional and innovative social work approaches
- Social work with groups as method to strengthen the family
- Family and technology: challenges and opportunities for social work in the digital era
- Social work with migrant families
- Impact of climate change on child and family well-being