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Transform4Europe invites to Festival of European Culture in Poland

Transform4Europe invites you to participate in the T4EU Festival of European Culture, which will be held on 24-28th April 2023 at the University of Silesia. With the event taking place in two different cities, the visitors will not only be able to feel the atmosphere of an urban city of Katowice ...

Invitation to VMU Student Conference “Freedom to Create 2023”

VMU invites students to participate in a student conference “Freedom to Create 2023” which will be held on April 28th, 2023. The conference will address the international Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations (UN). The conference will take place at the VMU Multifunctional Science...

Erasmus+ Traineeship Competition

Erasmus+ Traineeship Competition for any country the world

A competition is open for Erasmus+ student or recent graduate traineeship grants for traineeships in any country in the world. Application deadline is the 28th of February, 2023. The placement period is from 2 to 6 months. Recent graduate traineeship must end – in a year after graduation. Select...

Studentams – Erasmus+ praktikos konkursas praktikoms visame pasaulyje

Erasmus+ Traineeship Competition for any country the world

A competition is open for Erasmus+ student or recent graduate traineeship grants for traineeships in any country in the world. Application deadline is the 13th of November, 2022. The placement period is from 2 to 6 months. Recent graduate traineeship must end – in a year after graduation. Select...

Organizational Psychology program

Are you last year student of Psychology Bachelor or already a graduate and seeking Master‘s Degree In Psychology? Would you like to familiarize yourself with the Master's Organizational Psychology program (double degree with Louvain University in Belgium) at Vytautas Magnus University? Then join...