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Erasmus+ Traineeship Competition

A competition is open for Erasmus+ student or recent graduate traineeship grants for traineeships in any country of the world. Application deadline is the 29th of February, 2024. The placement period is from 2 to 6 months. Recent graduate traineeship must end – in a year after graduation. Sele...

Study Exchange and Internship Opportunities for Students

International Cooperation Department invites all VMU students to take an opportunity and apply for studies, traineeship or short-term courses abroad. These are enriching possibilities that strengthen self-improvement while expanding study knowledge and skills of foreign languages, facing the diff...

SMF wishes you happy holidays!

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Erasmus+ Traineeship Competition

Apply now: Erasmus+ Traineeship Competition

A competition is open for Erasmus+ student and recent graduate traineeship grants. The application deadline is the 30th of November, 2023. The placement period is from 2 to 6 months. Selection All VMU full-time degree students who have not used more than 10 months of their Erasmus mobility (stu...

Studentams – Erasmus+ praktikos konkursas praktikoms visame pasaulyje

Exclusive Opportunity for Exchange Studies in non EU/EEA Countries

VMU students are invited to participate in a competition for exchange studies in spring semester, 2024 in non-EU/EEA countries with Erasmus+ scholarship. Application deadline – November 3rd, 2023. VMU offers one semester studies in one of the regions: Western Balkan Countries Georgia ...

Prof. Adam Kuper to Hold a Public Lecture and Seminar at VMU

On Thursday, 19 October, at 16:00, Adam Kuper, Professor at the Department of Anthropology at the London School of Economics and Political Science will hold a public lecture and seminar “From the Museum of Other People to the Cosmopolitan Museum”. The lecture will take place at Vytautas Magnus Uni...