Psychologists from USA will talk how to rebuild Spiritual Core
From 23rd to 26th of September in the faculty of Social Sciences we have visiting researchers from Nebraska university (USA) – Ph.D. Doug Tillman, Ph.D.David Hof and Ph.D.Daniel Hof. They kindly agreed to share with their experience with the faculty students and teachers.
We would like to invite you to these lecturers:
On Septerber 26 lecture of Ph.D. Doug Tillman , „Rebuilding my Spiritual Core“. Beginning: 11.15 in faculty of Social Sciences (Jonavos st. 66, room 108).
On Septerber 26 lecture of Ph.D. David Hof and dr. Daniel Hof „Wellness in the Helping Profession“. Beginning: 12.30, in faculty of Social Sciences (Jonavos st. 66, room 108).